Gallery Archives - RKR Hess

Borough of Portland

Borough of Portland Comprehensive Plan

RKR drafted a Comprehensive Plan for the Portland Borough in Northampton County, Pennsylvania to assist in guiding the future development of the Borough. The Comprehensive Plan includes an in-depth, background study and analysis of the community’s current conditions and identifies planning implications over the course of several years. The Plan also details the community’s development needs, plans and goals as envisioned by Borough residents and officials.

Click on the links below to review the Comprehensive plan and drawings.

Portland Boro Comprehensive Plan Report DRAFT

PB_Comm Fac-Util




PB_Regional Location



Hamilton Township Bridge 5

Bridge 5 – Strawberry Hill Road Over McMichaels Creek
Hamilton Township, Monroe County, Pa.

RKR designed a new bridge to replace a 66-foot span that was determined to be structurally deficient. During the preliminary design stage, we investigated superstructure alternative types and conducted a geotechnical investigation to determine the most suitable foundation. The final structural design of the bridge included engineering designs for the the beam, reinforced concrete deck, abutment and wingwall, riprap, and foundation. The bridge was designed in accordance with PennDOT DM4 (Structures), and satisfies current legal vehicular loading at operating levels. In addition, we prepared the construction plans and specifications, and performed construction administration and observation services.

Glendon Borough Sewer System

Glendon Borough Sanitary Sewer Extension
Glendon Borough, Northampton County, Pa.

RKR is providing professional engineering services for an extension of the Glendon Sewer system in District III. The project consists of the design, permitting, construction administration, and construction observation of a sanitary sewer system and forcemain, and sewage pumping station. Additional design items include a generator, automatic transfer switch and associated laterals, excavation, backfill, site/grading improvements, erosion and sediment controls, pavement restoration, and traffic controls.

Voltaix Land Development

Site Design Services for Industrial Land Development Project,
Upper Mt. Bethel Township, Northampton County, Pa.

This project was to develop the Industrial Land Development Plan for a manufacturing facility on a 27-acre project area. The site plan consists of multiple buildings and structures, driveways, parking areas, utilities, stormwater management facilities, and related items. For this project, we conducted a boundary and topographic/existing features survey; provided site design for utilities, stormwater management, etc.; and provided construction observation of the stormwater and erosion and sediment control measures. We also developed Operation and Maintenance Programs for the construction phase and for long-term sustainment post-construction.

East Stroudsburg Dam

Middle Smithfield Township, Monroe County, Pa.

RKR provided dam rehabilitation design services, including overtopping protection, spillway replacement and repairs, drawdown system repairs, and stabilization measures. Design elements included modifications to the existing dam and appurtenances, erosion and sediment pollution control, grading, access, staging areas, drawdown siphon, and drainage system flow monitoring stations. Additionally, we designed a half-acre wetlands replacement site. RKR prepared permit applications and plans for approval, including a PA DEP Dam Safety Letter of Authorization, a NPDES Permit for stormwater discharges, and an ESPC Plan. RKR also prepared applications for a PA H2O Grant and a PennVEST Loan, and managed payment applications.

For this project, RKR was honored with the 2012 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award from the Lehigh Valley Section, American Society of Civil Engineers.

Dreher Avenue Tank

Monroe County, PA

Work included surface preparation and painting of the interior and exterior of a 650, 000 gallon water storage tank, including the ladders, piping, cat walk, etc., located at the end of Dreher Avenue in Monroe County, PA. The exterior surface of this tank had presence of lead in excess of EPA requirements and was removed and properly disposed of. In addition to the painting, miscellaneous improvements were made to this tank including replacement of existing roof vent, installation of air gap in overflow piping, installation of safety-climb device on exterior ladder, removal of the tank shell roll-around roof ladder, installation of a stationary ladder with walkway, installation of safety-climb device on stationary tank ladder with hand rail, toe plate and safety chain, and repairing any pitting areas in the tank bottom.

Lamtec Corporation

Lamtec Corporation (Portland Borough Authority – Tank No. 2)

Upper Mt. Bethel Township, Northampton County, PA

This project was for design, permitting, bid document preparation and construction Administration of a 320,000 gallon water tank at the Portland Industrial Park which was partially funded by a Pennsylvania H20 Grant which R.K.R. Hess prepared and submitted under a separate Contract.
Along with surveying services and erosion and sedimentation pollution control, R.K.R. Hess performed the following services:

Pocono Swiftwater Tank

S.R. 0611 Pocono Township Water Service Area Expansion for
Stroudsburg Municipal Authority

(Pocono Township, Monroe County, PA)

Served as the Design and Consulting Engineer for a $9.125M water service area expansion project for Stroudsburg Municipal Authority to expand service along the Route 611 corridor in Pocono Township, Monroe County, PA. The project included construction of a 1.7 million gallon pre-stressed concrete water storage tank, a booster pumping station, and approximately 50,750 linear feet of water main and appurtenances along a 7.5 mile long corridor of Route 611. A recirculation pump station with a supplemental re-chlorination system was also provided at the tank site to prevent stagnant water. The project required a PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit for installation in the highway shoulder and for thirty (30) borings of the state highway. The project also required general permits and other environmental approvals for twenty-eight (28) stream crossings. The project was funded in part with PennVEST financing. Responsibilities included design, assistance in finance acquisition, attendance at public hearings, survey, permitting, bidding, construction administration, loan administration, and construction observation.

The Stroudsburg Municipal Authority is now known as the Brodhead Creek Regional Authority.